Anxiety: What Your Young Person Needs You to Know Webinar


An informative webinar founded on life experience and research to give you practical tips to support your young persons anxiety. This webinar also comes with a 12 page PDF resource that recaps what we cover in the webinar as well as providing families with additional resources, links and tools to help support you, support your young person and their feelings of anxiety.

The Big Sister Experience has interwoven their own personal experiences with anxiety and their 14 years working with young people into this informative and practical 60 minute webinar.

For parents whose young person is presenting with varying degrees of anxiety, learn simple techniques and strategies to equip them with the tools they need to cope with and manage their anxieties.

At the end of the webinar you will walk away with a confident understanding of

– How to spot anxiety in your young person

– Why anxiety is manifesting so commonly in today’s youth

– The importance of empowering your young person with tools, instead of disempowering them through avoidance

– Tips you can try with your young person to teach them coping strategies

– What to say and what not to say to someone experiencing anxiety

– A new compassion and understanding of how to ensure your young person lives a confident life despite the challenges of anxiety
